Automate risk monitoring and management of your PPAs

Accurate Intelligence on your Corporate Power Purchase Agreement Contracts Performance

How Flexidao Can Help

Vector graphic showing squares, circles, and triangles arranged to symbolize 'data'.

Avoid costly invoicing errors with deeper oversight

Streamline accounting for Power Purchase Agreements with timely and accurate invoice validation and tracking of financial settlements. Gain critical insights into the historical and projected financial performance of your PPA and effectively manage liquidity risk.

Vector graphic showing circles arranged in a pattern to symbolize 'consolidated &

Save valuable time in periodic data collection and processing

Eliminate time-consuming manual tasks with automated collection, processing and consolidation of high-granularity production, consumption and carbon data. Optimize your reporting process by tracking and updating portfolio balances of Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) issued by your contracts.

Vector graphic showing circles arranged in a grid to symbolize 'platform intergration'."

Ensure contract performance by enforcing availability guarantees

Monitor project operational performance and automate availability calculations to assess whether availability guarantees and contractual performance clauses are being met. Gain deep insights into historical hourly generation, price values, and outage reports to ensure your expected generation volumes are met.

How it works

Flexidao’s software provides high-resolution intelligence for PPA performance optimization by the automation of invoice settlement verification, cash-flow projections and data collection. Using our intuitive platform, you can monitor the volumetric, financial and environmental performance of your PPA contracts. Flexidao’s platform also tracks and updates Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) portfolio balances, ensuring a clear chain of custody for all received and expected EACs.

A graphic showing the Flexidao platform highlighting the Historical Finanacial Performance
Success Story
Flexidao gathers electricity data to provide in-depth insight into Google’s global clean energy portfolio.
View Case Study
People Mostly ask


How can Flexidao help with PPA management?

Flexidao's software automates risk monitoring and management of PPAs, providing accurate intelligence on contract performance. It helps avoid invoicing errors, streamlines accounting and ensures contract performance by enforcing availability guarantees.

What types of PPAs are available?

There are several types of PPAs, including physical PPAs, where electricity is delivered directly to the buyer, and virtual PPAs (VPPAs), which are financially settled and do not involve physical delivery of electricity. Each type has its own terms and conditions.

What should I consider before signing a PPA?

Before signing a PPA, consider the developer's expertise, the project's viability, and the alignment with your business's sustainability goals. It's important to have a clear understanding of the contract terms and ensure you have the right data to monitor the PPA performance and enforce contractual clauses

Contact us today to optimize your Power Purchase Agreement management