A Better Way To Manage Your Energy Attribute Certificates
Automate data collection, streamline management and report effortlessly to CDP, RE100 and CSRD.
How we can help
Reduce Error-Prone Manual Workload by Over 90%
Flexidao automates the entire EAC data process, from collecting and consolidating to verifying certificates effortlessly. Saving time on tedious contract reconciliation and invoice validation, our platform ensures accuracy, compliance, and seamless alignment with agreements. Smart allocation and gap detection also provides optimal oversight of your EAC portfolio and balances.
EAC Gap Analysis and Procurement Support
Our platform offers a comprehensive inventory of your EACs, providing full visibility and automatically flagging any discrepancies in EAC volumes. Through our partnership network, we can assist in procuring any missing volumes, ensuring you have the EACs you need to report with confidence.
Cut Auditing Costs and Hit Reporting Deadlines
As reporting requirements grow, Flexidao simplifies compliance with a clear view of your EAC balances, statuses, and transactions. Our dashboard ensures full audit readiness with supporting documentation, and automates EAC allocation by region—simplifying compliance to disclosure schemes like RE100, CDP, and CSRD.
How it works
Flexidao’s end-to-end EAC management and reporting solution eliminates manual work, complexity, and uncertainty by streamlining every step of the process.
It automatically collects tracking instruments and invoices from suppliers, registries, and teams, updating internal systems with global EAC and invoice data. The platform extracts key details like commissioning dates for RE100 and CDP reporting, calculates unbundled procurement needs, and reconciles (V)PPAs, green tariffs, and consumption. Flexidao also tracks renewable coverage performance, generates key disclosure metrics, and optimizes EAC allocation to consumption sites for maximum market-based reductions.
Types of EACs
Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)
International Renewable Energy Certificates (I-RECs)
Guarantees of Origin (GOs)
Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGOs)

Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) are market-based instruments that certify the generation of 1 megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity from renewable sources, such as wind, solar, or hydroelectric power, and its injection into the power grid. Energy buyers can purchase EACs to support and claim their use of renewable energy.
These certificates can be acquired alongside physical electricity (bundled) or separately (unbundled) from the actual power purchase. In sustainability reporting, companies must demonstrate that they have purchased and cancelled a sufficient number of EACs to match their electricity consumption. This process allows them to claim that they are supplied by 100% renewable electricity.
The term Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) itself is a categorical term that encompasses any kind of tracking system for proving the origination of a given energy unit. While virtually every country in the world has some form of an EAC equivalent, not every country uses the same terminology.
There are multiple variations of global EACs based on geographical location. Some of these are international standards used by multiple countries, while others are national standards used by a single country.
International Standards
Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) – Standard used in North America
Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (GOs) – Standard used by the majority of EU countries
International Renewable Energy Credits (I-RECs) – Standard used by most of Latin America, Africa, and Asia
National Standards
Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin (REGOs) – Standard used by the UK
LGCs - Standard used by Australia
N-ZECs - Standard used by New Zealand
J Credits - Standard used in Japan
For every MWh of electricity generated from a clean energy source, a single EAC (REC, GO, REGO etc.) is issued.
As such, there are two outputs generated: the actual renewable electricity generated (per MWh), and the EAC documentation that represents the existence of that MWh. It’s important to highlight here that these two entities are not mutually exclusive. That is, an organization can own an EAC but not have consumed the renewable electricity it represents.
This is because EACs are ultimately a tradeable, market-based mechanism for ‘owning’ the claims to the origination of renewable energy.
While some organizations may want to sell their EACs as a way of driving additional revenue, other organizations may want to buy EACs in order to offset their carbon footprint. Ultimately, it is the owner of the EAC who has exclusive rights to any claims about consumption of the electricity associated with an EAC.
Flexidao’s clean energy intelligence platform provides automated EAC allocation by region and consumption site, aligning with reporting standards. It also flags any gaps or mismatches in EAC volumes to ensure your renewable energy claims are accurate and compliant.
If discrepancies or missing volumes are detected in your EAC portfolio, our platform provides a gap analysis and helps you procure additional certificates through our partner network, ensuring full coverage for compliance and sustainability reporting.