
Flexidao and Jera Cross Trial Introduction of Hourly Renewable Energy Data Management Technology

Eloise Moench
Marketing Lead

25th of June 2023 - Flexidao, a company providing organisations with the data and digital  tools to master clean energy management, has concluded a strategic partnership agreement with Jera Cross, a subsidiary of JERA Co. Through this partnership, JERA Cross will pilot, on a trial basis, a renewable energy certification scheme based on hourly tracking, in accordance with the international standards advocated by Energy Tag*1.


The ongoing 2022 revision of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) *2 has brought international attention to the need for more precise management of renewable energy sources. Some respondents to the GHG Protocol's request for feedback have proposed the introduction of "hourly matching," which calls for aligning electricity consumption and generation on an hourly basis.


JERA has already  been working on initiatives to further the social implementation of tracking and certification of 24/7 carbon-free energy*3. Now JERA Cross will begin tracking the type of power source and time of power generation by the hour through its trial with Flexidao. This will provide JERA Cross clients with real-time visibility of electricity, resulting in heightened transparency as they pursue decarbonization and contribute to furthering their corporate GX efforts.


JERA Cross’s President & CEO Takao Miki remarked, “ With thorough collaboration with Flexidao who has a highly acclaimed international track record for 24/7 CFE tracking, we are hopeful to provide valuable services for progressive clients. As a result of that, we believe we can make significant progress to drive initiatives for substantive CO2 reduction.”


Flexidao’s CEO Simone Accornero remarked, “This trial can serve as a model for tracking the type and generation time of renewable energy sources on an hourly basis in the Japanese energy market. Flexidao hopes that this partnership with JERA Cross can drive significant advancements in Japan's renewable energy sector.”




*1. EnergyTag, an independent non-profit organization, promotes the global standard for 24/7 carbon-free electricity. By providing a framework that certifies electricity consumption aligns with the supply of renewable and other green energy on an hourly basis, EnergyTag supports the transition to a decarbonized power system.

*2. Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 2 Proposal Summary:

*3. “24/7 carbon-free energy” is a name for electricity that emits no CO2 twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. In accordance with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's "Guidelines for Retail Sales of Electricity," this means providing 100% of the electricity supply from CO2 zero-emission sources, including the environmental value derived from the use of non-fossil certificates.